Friday, July 25, 2008


My appologies to those (Matt) who are waiting to hear about this fantastic 204 mile bike trip 2 weekends ago. Well, You'll have to wait at least another week. I'm going to the most beautiful place! It's a place close to my heart and I get to hang out with hundreds of overly dramatic and crazy-fun high schoolers. I couldn't be luckier...and I sincerely mean that!

A glimpse from last year's trip....

Peace in the morning.

Ziplining with the mountains...

Our cabin of Medical Lake girls

I don't like to brag...but we leaders are pretty awesome!

Who can argue with 80's night?



Trish said...

I just got back from being a leader at Sr. High church camp, and I must say there is nothing like it! I can't wait to hear all about your week :) Miss you friend!

M-Dot said...

What a georgeous place! You are lucky teens can be fun and it looks like a very inspiring place. Can't wait for the stp report though!
Hope you have fun. Lookn forward to seen and hearn about it all.

Michelle and Jay

Michael W. Bergquist said...

Wow! What a spectacular place. So you got there every year eh. Is it too late for me to be a high school girl for next year's trip?

Josh said...

I have always wanted to go to this place!!! I have allot of friends that have been there, and they all talk about how amazing it really is!!! Too bad I am not in high school anymore.

Jen said...

I'm so jealous! I LOVE Malibu!! Enjoy your time and I can't wait to see pictures from this trip!!